Bike Stalling? Need help?

Discussion in ' - Archives' started by aus_dragon, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. aus_dragon

    aus_dragon New Member

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    Aug 6, 2007
    Last night while riding I had something odd happen to my FZR250 3LN twice and was hopeing that someone here might be able to shed some light on it. I have a feeling it is stalling a mid RPM in 5th or 6th gear. I will tell you what happened and see if anyone thinks this might be the case.

    In the first case I had just come out of a round about and started heading down a steep hill, I was using slightly more than moderate acceleration and got to about 8k-9k RPM when I changed up from 5th to 6th (gears may have been 4th to 5th, I am still a nervous Learner <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) --> ).
    As I let the clutch out the bike just seemed to die. I couldn't hear any motor noise through my helmet and over the wind (had my visor slightly open), so I put clutch in tried the start button but couldn't hear any change, let clutch out nothing repeated this a few times.
    When I got to the bottom of the hill I went to turn/roll into a mates driveway (luckly this is wear I was headed) and when the bike slowed down to about 15-20kms there was a clunging noise, bike lurched a little and and seemed to start back up. This of course through my concentration and I ended up just getting it back to first and awkardly getting up his drive before stalling it.

    The second time this happened was on the way home and after the first instence I was riding very gently, no hard throttle, changing gears lower in the RPM etc.
    Again this was going down a hill (not quite so steep) and I was performing the same gear change when the smae thing happened. I went through the same routine, clutch in, starter, clutch out, repeat to not avail.
    But again went to pull over out of the way of traffic (luckly on a quite street), and wen the speed dropped down to about 15-20kms I heard the same clunking noise bike jolted a bit a I heard the revs pick up.
    This time I swiched the motor off, then on again with no probs.

    As I am writing this I have just realised that another possible explaination maybe I am hitting a false neutral between 5th and 6th.
    If anyone can offer any suggestions as to if any of my theories are correct or any theories of their own that would be great.
  2. david1

    david1 New Member

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    Jan 4, 2007
    i dont wear riding boots so i often hit a false nutral by not lifting up enuff but this doesnt make the bike die completly it just revs out so i dont think thats your problem
  3. koma

    koma New Member

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    Did the bike actually stall or was it just idling when you said you couldn't hear it?
    If it happens again, with the clutch in give the throttle a twist to check if the engine is still running as that'll give us a bit more info of if it's a gearbox issue or an engine issue.
  4. aus_dragon

    aus_dragon New Member

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    Aug 6, 2007
    I have a feeling it fully stalled as I change gears as per normal ie: release clutch twist throttle and there is nothing there, that is how I knew it happened as it does it very quitely. It doesn't make a noise untill it clungs as I slow down.

    I will make sure to ride it and try the throttle though next time it happens to really clarify this
  5. david1

    david1 New Member

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    Jan 4, 2007
    also try changing gears up....or down for that mater if it comes on when you slow down
  6. soban81

    soban81 New Member

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    Oct 7, 2007
    i think i have the same problem

    my bike sometimes cuts out if my revs get in the low rev range and if i try to give it more gas the bike just (goes nah don't wanna go) makes it worst and causes the engine to cut out, and does your bike struggle to get off the mark at the traffic lights ?, do you have to sort of rev it a bit hard so that the bike doesn't stall, or maybe i have a tottally different problem,

    What my fellowbike rider mates tell me is that my bike maybe running rich or that maybe the float levels are out, even suggested that i changed my fuel lines.

    so anybody with ideas or know any info would be excellent.

    and sorry can't help aus dragon still a noob meself
  7. furryfrog

    furryfrog New Member

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    Jul 16, 2007
    i think thats float levels, my bike does the same thing randomly when i pull up at a set of lights, go to take off and it just floods if i keep the throttle where its at i can hobble to the side of the road sometimes.
    It takes a few tries to start but is fine after.

    I've been trying to combat this by giving it a few quick revs before i come to a stop.. doesnt always help though. really need to make up a carbie jig n do the float levels
  8. MrR2

    MrR2 New Member

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    Nov 18, 2007
    Ok guys i have the EXACT same problem as the two posters above.. it makes the bike so unreliable for me to get around when it cant take off from traffic lights as you get stuck in traffic gettin beeped at. Is this a matter of float levels or what.. Can anybody shed some light as this seems to happen to quite a few of us when it really shouldnt.
  9. 4xel

    4xel New Member

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    Dec 9, 2007
    Hey, I had kinda same problem just yesterday.
    Bike engine started to sound differently, power started to die off, I increased the throttle but it didn't seem enough ,when I got off the throttle bike just died, and wouldn't start, when I flicked on off button, sounded different too <!-- s:shock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s:shock: --> ... and bike just wouldn’t start...after about 30 minutes of standing under the rain and thinking what to do. Bike stared off like nothing happened, all engine and starter sounds where back to normal. Well the previous owner told me that she can be a bitch sometimes just chill, and it will too... now I know what times he was talking about.... anyway Im taking the bike to the mechanics this week.

    Lol, I found out what was wrong, I was just running low on petrol, so bike died the first time, I switched on reserve, and turned the clutch on, then I must have forgotten to turn it off, so I flooded my engine <!-- s:-? --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_Eyecrazy.gif" alt=":-?" title="Eye Crazy" /><!-- s:-? --> What can I say, u live u learn <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
  10. 3HX1

    3HX1 New Member

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    May 1, 2007
    I also took mine to a licenced mechanic and that stalling problem/no power problem was simply due to dirty carbs. I had experienced the same aggravations you guys mentioned at stop lights and such. The cleaning and carb kit was the perfect fix.

    Before the cleaning my carbs could be described as being filled with 'rust and jello', which means no zoom-zoom. A kind of cleaning most smokers would want for their lungs! Wait, I think it's called 'cardio'. Both of which I enjoy.

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