It's Mental - innit!!

Discussion in 'The Pub' started by Mark, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. Mark

    Mark New Member

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    Brisbane, Australia

    We've all got it, good, bad or indifferent, but it should be something we think about seriously, because if we ride with a bad one, we are putting ourselves in a very dangerous place.

    Stay relaxed, attentive with just the right amount of aggression!  Yes aggression, just a cupful in a bucket, but used to good affect this will keep you alert and focused, scanning and planning, anticipating the actions of the tin box tosser.

    The attitude I am talking about covers everything, your posture on the bike, your road positioning, your attitude to other road users and how you plan to interact with them.

    The physical act of riding should become instinctive, your conscious thoughts should be on interpreting the road, traffic and surroundings, this comes with experience, so don't miss an opportunity to ride.

    We are fortunate that we can ride all year round in comfort in SE Queensland, so lets make the most of it...........once the rain has passed of course!!!

    Advanced Roadcraft Techniques
  2. Phil

    Phil Senior Member Contributing Member

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    Sunshine Coast Qld
    Hey Mark, you are right on the money re: attitude. Enjoyed you comments and thought that the segment  re: tolerance is most appropriate at this time of year. Queensland has many visitors both interstate and foreign visiting our shores and alas many are well and truly lost. So if you encounter some during the festive season, use your PMA and cut them a little slack. Sometimes it not easy but getting agro won't resolve any issues at all.
    On that note I'll take the opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and above all a safe one so that we can meet again in 2011.
                                                              Merry Christmas    Phil

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