Help Megelli 250 carbie upgrade / swap

Discussion in 'Megelli 250cc' started by mgmegelli, May 18, 2021.

  1. mgmegelli

    mgmegelli Active Member

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    I'm having some trouble starting if the bike has sat for some time (eg a week or so)- spark and fuel flow is fine but the filter is dry so it must be leaking but not filling back up.

    Once it starts it runs fine.

    The choke does not work any more and it had a bowl leak that has been fixed with JB Weld which seems to be holding.

    Has anyone found a replacement carbie on say ebay or aliexpress that works ?

    Seems the Megelli carb is a one off with a manifold outlet of 42mm and air intake of 58mm, which I guess can be changed with a new manifold boot.

    Im considering trying a PD32J KLF300 Bayou 300 Motorcycle Carburetor Carb for 250cc-450cc motor for Kawasaki ATV Honda TRX 350 400 Foreman which is close (40 mm mainfold outlet and 54mm air intake)
    TRX350 carbie .png

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