Qld set to reform Qride and Qsafe

Discussion in 'Licence - Rego - Insurance - Law - Rider Training' started by kiffsta, Jul 12, 2012.

  1. kiffsta

    kiffsta Senior Member

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    Hmmm, I hope the Qld government involve industry groups such as Motorcycling Queensland,  http://www.mqld.org.au instead of making any knee jerk political decisions... time will tell.



    GETTING a motorcycle licence in Queensland is set to become harder with the State Government looking at tightening loopholes.
    At present, road users need no experience with motorcycles to obtain a learner's licence, with the law requiring them to answer only five multiple choice questions.

    State Parliament's Transport, Housing and Local Government Committee is reviewing motorcycle licensing in Queensland and has heard most riders hold their learner's for less than 27 days before getting their licence under the Q-Ride system.

    Under Q-Safe, riders must hold a learner's for six months but are not required to do any on-road training.

    Professor Narelle Haworth from the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland told the committee yesterday 27 days was simply not enough.

    "In 27 days you don't get a lot of experience, you don't do a lot of riding ... so I think that's an issue. We don't really have a learner licensing period," said Prof Haworth.

    Another "weakness" was the lack of requirement for riders to update their motorcycle licences after many years of not using them, she said.

    President of the Motorcycle Riders Association of Queensland Chris Mearns

    said the biggest contributors to motorcycle crashes where the rider was at fault were a poor understanding of the roads and an inadequate skills set.
  2. Artemis

    Artemis Well-Known Member Premium Member

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    hmmm... that is pretty easy:S
    Vic licenseing is a 3 month Learners period, the written test is bigger, and there is a basic on-bike skills test.
    That being said it's not at all difficult to pass.

    Though potetially more expensive...?

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