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No more FZR for me.... :(

Discussion in 'Yamaha 250cc In-Line 4's' started by garfield2k, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. garfield2k

    garfield2k New Member

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    Feb 18, 2004
    well....what can i say...after riding the fzr for nearly 2 years since i first got my learners....it is finally over..

    no i did not sell up and get that yzf just yet <!-- s:cry: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cry.gif" alt=":cry:" title="Crying or Very sad" /><!-- s:cry: --> ...as i had planned in the next few months anyway... instead a car driver decided it was time up for the fizzer.

    as it happened: going down bourke rd camberwell, left lane at bout 30km/hr...seen a 4wd stop infront of a sidestreet leaving a gap between hinm n car infront so slow down (side street there), and a car was turning right into that sidestreet. tried to countersteerto the left side street but car hadnt seen me at all and collected me goin at bout 20kms/hr. damage to car...front guard n bumper a little damaged... my bike.....well... nosecose n screen is broken in a million pieces, lhs faing is borken in two, hs broke clean off at the mounts... forks are twisted, one is bent. triple clamps i think are twisted too. thats al i could see whist trying to figure out wat i should do n say to my family...lol

    sure enough a few people stopped. i had hit the car on my left side of my body and landed on my back. bike landed to my right...both still on the impact side of the car. one guy tried to pull my helmet off as i had a tinted visor on and was lying still... <!-- s:mad: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_mad.gif" alt=":mad:" title="Mad" /><!-- s:mad: -->
    but apart form that, every1 else who stopped to help was very helpful, helped me walk to the footpath and "carry" my bike to the foot path as well... they couldnt steer it, same with teh tow truck driver. lol...

    anyway....ambos n cops came. pretty much just had soft tissue damage to my left knee and left elbow and wrist. i had my riding jacket, normal jeans and riding boots on. no damage to gear except helmet.

    ill b takin some photos of the fizzr once i go to the yard and collect it. all depends on what the guy wants to do, which he willcall me today biout it....

    so....what do u think i should get for it?

    ride safe everyone....

  2. FZR Dude

    FZR Dude New Member

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    Mar 24, 2004
    Sad news Dave. Very glad to hear that you are in good health. Sorry about the bike. But the bike can be replaced, you, my friend, cannot.

    Keep us up to date on what's happening.
  3. koma

    koma New Member

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    Sep 3, 2004
    Firstly, glad to hear your ok!
    (May i suggest taking a REALLY hot shower/bath to loosen all your muscles in you back up. It may not hurt now but it probably will later)

    Atleast you'll be able to ride again. The FZR will live on in your memory if it can't be repaired. As for how much, i'd be making sure to get the RedBook value for it. <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: -->

    Shout out if you need a hand with anything; plenty of us Melbournites would be happy to help you out.
  4. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    Nov 19, 2003
    Glad to see you typing! Hope you recover quickly!!

    agreed with koma - make sure you get at least redbook value for it (and if the guy's insurance is covering it you should also get replacement gear $ for your helmet)

    Look at the bright side though - you usually get more $ out of a write-off than you would selling it. Therefore bigger deposit on the yzf...
  5. TBone

    TBone New Member

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    Jul 14, 2005
    the insurance will offer you some money for the wreck... expect any thing form $100 to $1000... b4 you take the money... see if you can sell it to the wreckers.. you might be supprised...

    My mate had smashed his ZZR600... it got wreaten off he got $4000 + insurance were going to give him $800 for the wreck I fixed it for $1200 + VIV certificate ($330)... I also know the wreckers would have payed well over $1200 just for that wreck!!
  6. Ciaran

    Ciaran New Member

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    Nov 5, 2004
    It’s good to hear you are well. My condolences go out to you for your loss. I hope you can come out of all this with a nice fat check to put towards the new bike. <!-- s:cool: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt=":cool:" title="Cool" /><!-- s:cool: -->

    DOuFINKimSEXY New Member

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    Nov 20, 2003
    hey dave glad to hear your ok...<!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->
  8. garfield2k

    garfield2k New Member

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    Feb 18, 2004
    well...thanks for every1s well wishes....

    still aint got my arse down to taking photos of the bike yet...
    i just got some1 to send a letter of demad to the guy....seeing it was his boss's car so not sure if he is covered or not.

    but yeah...im healing fine...but still cant hold the lcutch lever for more than a few seconds...oh well..a few more days.

    i think i have an oil filter for the fizzer if any1 needs it? from dealer i think its 15 so 10 bucks for any1?

    keep everry1 posted bout what happens.
    hopefully ill get my market value plus cost of the helmet too...

    take care out there...

  9. SOBIL

    SOBIL Active Member

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    Apr 9, 2005
    good to hear you are ok. i have a sample letter of demand, if you are interested. pm me. I wrote one when the fukwit did a uey in front of me, i had no witnesses though so i had nothing to stand on, didn't call the cops... (my bad). newaiz, you should be right, you shouldn't have to much trouble proving it in court if it comes to that.

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