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Best Australian made oil & fuel additive

Discussion in 'Yamaha 250cc In-Line 4's' started by brad1, May 23, 2006.

  1. Casso

    Casso New Member

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    Aug 23, 2005
    Yeah, I actually got some of the fuel additive and used it as 2 stroke oil in my dirtbike (on recomendation from the sales rep)... And I was pretty impressed. i've been meaning to order some more for a while now (only had 900ml - which was good for about 300km in the dirty [obviously keeping in mind a 2 stroke burns up way more oil than a 4 stroke ever would]).

    I had the same results - the bike did start easier and was noticeably smoother than when it runs on the standard cheap castrol I usually use... And it's cheaper than the castrol too.

    Although I have to say it didn't perform any better (or worse, mind you) than the Mobil Racing 2 stroke oil I used for a while - but that stuff was $24 a litre, and i just couldn't justify using that for every day commuting.
  2. brad1

    brad1 New Member

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    Jan 31, 2005
    Hisdirt- I'm sorry you didnt find the oil any better, thank you for trying it though. I really did want to know if it was just the cars & bikes I know that found improvements.

    casso- were you the one who overoiled by using the fuel additive & stroke oil? Steve told me about that. To be honest I didnt know they reccommended the fuel additive as a 2 stroke oil...at least when I found out I realised why my whipper snipper was a bitch to start- I did the same thing as you
  3. Casso

    Casso New Member

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    Aug 23, 2005
    Yup, that was me <!-- s:) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" /><!-- s:) -->

    Will be emailing Steve this week to order one of the 4L containers. As far as 2 stroke oil goes, it feels as good as the racing oil, while costing marginally less than the standard stuff, so it just makes sense to use it.

    I think time will tell with the 4 strokes in regards to impact on machine wear - although I would be watching your spark plugs for accumulated gunk. Some fuel additives tend to leave deposits that don't burn off so easily, and it pays to be aware of that. I have no idea if this fuel additive does or doesn't - and my instinct says it probably doesn't. But keep an eye on it anyway.
  4. hisdirt

    hisdirt New Member

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    Jan 23, 2006
    Yeah next service I'll get my mechanic to check the spark plugs out, see if anything looks out of the ordinary.

    And brad, I understood the benifits of the oil to be in regards to engine wear and tear - more passive protection than performance boosting so I wasnt really expecting much of a boost in performance... the fuel additve achieves that fine.

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