Hi everyone. Can anyone confirm please if my bike is in fact the B1 SP model and that the engine is the special Engine, the one that rev's to 19500 rpm as it suggests on the rev counter ? Many thanks
Hi, as someone has already confirmed, it is a B1 frame, so it should be a B1 bike. Other than the frame VIN, there no visible ways to tell if it is a B1. The ZXR250A engines are the same (externally and Engine numbers) and all ZXR250A's have the same Tachometer. The only external B1 give away is if the carbs are 32mm and not the standard 30mm. Too bad you're on the other side of the planet; a few of us would love to buy that off you.
B1/D1 models should have rear shock with remote adjuster/canister and 32mm carbs. Gear ratios are also different.
Hi, Thanks for the additional info, that's really interesting and has thrown some more light on it for me. I thought it would be popular and a bit sought after
I want to check that the reg number is the correct one, because someone has said to me that I need to check that the frame number and reg match. How do I find out the reg from a frame number please ?
Hi, Could a ZXR250 frame number be ZX250C-300356 because I think it's a misprint, because I thought all ZX250C- frame numbers began with a 0 and NEVER a 3. Am I right, or have I missed something ? Many thanks
Lara, your bike is a ZXR250A model. The B1 version of that model is the only one that has a frame (VIN) number beginning with a '3'. Your frame number is ZX250A-300356. All other frame (VIN) numbers start with a '1', so if it was NOT a B1 version, the number would be ZX250A-100356.
Somewhere on your registration paperwork it should state the frame (VIN) number of the bike e.g. ZX250A-300356. In some registration systems, a user can key in the vehicle (bike) frame number and the system will show you the registration linked to that number. Take a picture of your registration and post it on here if you're not sure.
Hi, thank you. The issue I am having is that my reg is J624 ORN and the vin on the frame is ZX250A-300356 but on the v5 registration document it is ZX250C-300356 but my research shows that ZX250C- frame numbers only went up to 300328 and not beyond, so I'm wondering if it's a typo error when the bike was first registered in the UK in 1996 and they put C instaed of A. What also doesn't make sense is that the V5 says Declared Manufactured 1991 but the frame number suggests 1989 !! I'm going grey haired just trying to make sense of it all
Hi Lara, you are correct... someone mucked it up during the initial import/registration process. You can go to your registration place and show them that it is a muck up and you'd like it sorted. I'm guessing that UK registration is run by a government body. Is it still called MOT?
Incorrect records for older bikes are common. I have seen missing digits, swapped digits, incorrect colour, using zero instead of O and vice versa, engine number missing a digit on the papers for a brand new bike being registered for the first time. Contact the relevant department/inspector and have them correct the records.
Thank you, I have been quietly hoping that it should be a relatively simple fix. Our government department that deals with registration documents is called DVLA - Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency. They may well ask for evidence, and unfortunately a simple photograph of the frame number won't be enough, so it may be a bit tricky trying to contact an official body or Kawasaki department to verify it, especially taking in to account how far back in time it goes. The only "real" proof I have, which I'm hoping is accurate, is the following website using google chrome and translator, that in the past you could use frame numbers to search for parts for the A & B models, but that has since expired because it goes back too far, but you can still search for C & D models. Searching for ZX250C-300328 comes up with a result, -300329 and certainly -300356 DO NOT, which leads me, and others I have spoken to, to believe that the ZX250C-3------ most certainly didn't go past 328 made, which adds further weight to the argument that it is a typo error. This is one hell of a learning curve https://kawasaki-onlineshop.jp/shop/partscatalog/search.aspx
I tried to do a "Check the MOT history of a vehicle" , but I got an access denied on the page Vehicle Tax and MOT status results - Check if a vehicle is taxed and has an MOT - GOV.UK
Hi, Yes, that's all I get but it stops short of giving the frame number ! No sure how I can get it, or actually check that ZX250A-300356 isn't assigned to another bike which would support my claim that's its a mess up during registration in the UK.
I had a similar issue with a 1989 Honda Spada, that the Australian importer had registered as a 1996-built bike. I had to take the bike to the registration place (VicRoads) and let them physically see the frame (VIN) number and then let them google the bike. They eventually agreed there had been a mistake made somewhere and reissued the bike's registration to show the correct manufacture year, thus allowing me to register it as a 'historic' (Club Registration in Victoria) bike. It was a painful exercise, but it worked out, in my case. You may have to do the same, but I don't know anything about the DVLA.
mate had a shotgun seized recently... cops come out, as they do... for years... no issue. one day? "this 5 is supposed to be an S" or vice versa... whatever. (also why VIN numbers never have an "O", or other possibly ambiguous digits/letters) "fine. take the damn thing... it was you guys that filled the paperwork in anyway..." "im not authorised to do that..." WTF? so what? you now going to arrest me for having an unregistered firearm in my possession? or youre going to leave this unregistered firearm here? WTF??!?!?! "b-b-b--- just surrender it to the local station..." YOU JUST SAID ITS UNREGISTERED. WHAT IF I GET PULLED OVER WITH IT IN MY CAR? he ended up getting a letter of authority to carry it, walks into the cop shop... no reaction, no raised eyebrows, no concern at all that someone just walked in brandishing a shotgun... "just take a seat and someone will be out to see you..." half an hour later, they finally take it off his hands... ok, back on topic. grey imports, assume UK is like here in AU... the "build year" on the paperwork is the year they get imported, rather than the year they were actually built... so if the standards have changed in the intervening time, youre screwed... ie, if it has no seatbelts or airbags or that sort of stuff, and you imported it now... no go... at best, its "historic" and club rego... bikes still sneak in by "built to comply to road acts 1989..." cars have changed though... another fun one is the "tier two inspection" if you purchased it interstate... take it to a specific registry thats ages away so someone can glance at it then say "yep... its a bike..."