firing order

Discussion in ' - Archives' started by araikid, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. araikid

    araikid Guest

    whats the correct firing order?

    is it 1234 or 1324?

    my friend mucked around with his leads <!-- s:alcoholic: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_all_coholic.gif" alt=":alcoholic:" title="Alcoholic" /><!-- s:alcoholic: --> and now he doesnt know which goes where (hence there is no number sticker on the leads)

    any ideas or hints would be nice.

    cheerz for your time.
  2. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    I don't know the firing order. All I remember from changing plugs though is that the cables were long enough to reach the required plug, but they would be stretched if they went to another plug.
  3. grendal

    grendal New Member

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    Umm the firing order defenitly not 1234...there are a few numbers switches around...check the fzr400 manual on the site...its got it in there fore sure..I can find out for u if ur desperate..just cant be bothered atm :p.

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