FZR won't start

Discussion in 'FZR250.com - Archives' started by FiZzR, Jun 1, 2004.

  1. FiZzR

    FiZzR New Member

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    May 20, 2004
    I've had the bike a couple of weeks now, but have not heard it tick over yet and I obviously am very keen to get it going and registered.

    I've replaced the battery. It has spark from the plugs, it winds over, but just doesn't fire. It prob. hasn't been run for a few months so I'm guessing there's just no fuel in the carbs or cylinders. How do I get it to run?

    Haven't tried aerostart in the carbs yet, that's my next try. If that doesn't work, I'm basically all out of ideas. I've also taken all the plugs out and wound it over to see if it was flooded - no fuel came out of the cylinders.

    Anyone have any ideas, or do I have to bite the bullet and get a bike mechanic involved?
  2. shandu

    shandu New Member

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    Jan 12, 2004
    Is there any gasoline in the gas tank? Is the pet cock on run or reserve

    Is your lugs foul?

    My bike wouldn't start and it was because the plugs were fould

    Have you tried jump starting it?

    also try the aero start thingy and see if that works.

    I hope this helps becuase i can't see a problem. I believe its the carbs though.
  3. dragracer1951

    dragracer1951 New Member

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    May 26, 2004
    it's the carbs

    remove the tank and air box, then the carbs and remove the float bowl one at a time and clean all jets and passages on each carb...one at a time
    When you get done...do it again. They won't run worth a crap when they are dirty and running rich on the bottom. it's not difficult to do. Just be organized and carefull...if you need to, take pics of where things go and only do one jet at a time, that way you can't put the wrong one in the wrong place...and arsy versy
    when you get done with all four...put it all back together and go for a ride to yur m8's house to brag about how good it runs, but don't be surpriozed hwhen he trys to bribe you with beer to do HIS!!!
    Hope this helps

    ps: it really isn't that hard
  4. FiZzR

    FiZzR New Member

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    May 20, 2004
    thanks drag...I gave up yesterday and called a mechanic. I could have managed cleaning the jets myself, but I just want it to run and don't really have the time to stuff around with it myself.

    I tried the aerostart, and it popped, but my battery's just about flat now from cranking it over for the last week. A guy's collecting it today, looking at it on Friday so hopefully it will be running by Sat.
  5. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    Nov 19, 2003
    Good luck with the bike! Probably something nice and minor. Had a friend on his vfr who's bike sounded like yours. Wouldn't start, but had spark etc. Turned out a $1.50 fuse blew and his fuel injection system wasn't working... (mechanics charged him $30 for that, but still could have been a lot worse given the symptoms)
  6. FiZzR

    FiZzR New Member

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    May 20, 2004
    well actually, funny you should mention a fuse. A relay next to the fuse box blew the first time I wound it over.(I'm guessing it was the blinker relay, as the blinker fuse blew then the relay blew when I replaced a 15 amp fuse with a 20amp...and the blinkers don't work now.)

    Do you know of any little small black relay-looking thing near the battery that does anything more than work the blinkers?
  7. biker hilly

    biker hilly New Member

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    Apr 22, 2004
    gday fizzer,
    how did u go with the bike? im in caringbah and we should go for a ride when ur bike is ready or if u need some techo help i may be avail to help cos i know that the bike shops charge a fortune. as for u relay well ill have a look at mine and work out what it does and keep u posted. to hazadr a guess ill say it could be for the fuel pump.it runs for about 5 secs on the turning the ignition on then turns off. now if this does not work it could explain why ur bike wont start as the pump wont prime the carbies. and no fuel means not spark which means no broom broom.as for the fuse which fuse on the cluster is it?
    hope this has helped. if u need any more help im only around the corner so call me on 0414595740 and ill see what i can do?
    also if anyone in syd needs help dont be affraid to call
  8. FiZzR

    FiZzR New Member

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    May 20, 2004
    cheers mate - yeah, it's still with the mech, he's got it started but still has to straighten the forks ( i didnt know they were bent when I bought it, but only minor), replace the fork seals, stick on some blinkers and give me a blue slip. It's Craig Macklin motorcycles in Kirrawee...it's going to set me back $600 all up. more than I wanted to spend, but knew it would be more than I thought, always is with 2nd hand stuff.

    The relay is the flasher can for blinkers, fuel pump still works. It was just that there was no fuel in the carbies float bowls, he's just cleaned it out a bit I thik and then kicked it over.

    should get it back early next week. Can't wait to get it on the road, I've had my licence over a month and not ridden since the L's course!

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