G'day I've taken apart a set of carbies for an FZR250R and have managed to destroy two of the emulsion tubes that live underneath the main jet in the jet block. I had a look online and had some greatly appreciated help from Adrian at Percy Jack Motorcycles in Marrickville but can't find any of these parts online. Does anyone have a set of these they'd be willing to part with? Or, does anyone know where I can find some online, or even a substitute? I'll add the exploded diagram of the carb, the part is labelled number 42, and its part number is 3LN-14148-20. Thanks, Tevita
Ive never had that tube out of the jet housing as I always presumed it was a press fit .... theres no "screw head" .... what you see is more like the other end ..... now all of my carbs here and parts are early model .... 3LN1 , so maybe it was another carby design change for the later bikes @Linkin does the pink bitch have those removable tubes?
I don't know, never attempted to remove them on any that I have owned. 3LN1 does have them but part number is a different prefix 3HE-14148-00 Both are NLA @gyro gearloose How did you successfully extract these from under the main jet? Thanks
On the 3LN1 parts schematic ,that tube doesnt exist .... but there is a brass piece down there on the 3LN1 jet housing This is from this parts catalogue Yamaha FZR250R 3LN1 Parts Catalogue | 2FIFTYCC.COM - Home of the Quarter Litre
Hmm, shows differently on megazip. My mistake too, 43 is listed as the 3HE part which is a different tube with a different location
@Dolphin2000 New jet blocks are available for Yamaha Zeal 3YX, which use the same carbs more or less as 3LN6/7 As the emulsion tube part isn't listed as a separate item on these, I am assuming that they are included in the jet block. If so, this will get you out of trouble. https://www.megazip.net/zapchasti-d...rburetor-11344948#/il-267151372-790264-790264 Also available at Impex for a cheaper price per https://en.impex-jp.com/parts/new/search.html?partNo=3YX-1411A-00-00
@Linkin ... Megazip are using the wrong schematic .... if you look at #34 on both , as much as the "drawings" are pretty shoddy , you can see the old and new style jet needle setup. I have that "original" 3LN1 parts book .... its of course a copy .... it came in a box of extras with one of the FZRs that came thru the Fizz Factory back in the glory days Edit: There u go ... came with the pink bitch https://2fiftycc.com/index.php?threads/linkins-3ln6-the-pink-lady.8005/#post-79443
Thanks for the help guys I appreciate it. I think I'll get my hands on some of the Zeal jet blocks and put the jets for mine in it and see how I go. Thanks, Tevita
Looking at those emulsion tubes with the main jet still in the emulsion tube that have been extracted - it looks like the main jet is still screwed into the emulsion tube itself... Something is odd...
what the? iunno... it may be yet another one of those changes they loved making... only dealt with the 1 and 3 so no idea...