Jump starting from car battery...

Discussion in 'FZR250.com - Archives' started by hisdirt, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. hisdirt

    hisdirt New Member

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    Hey fellas, I ran my battery dry thismorning trying to start my bike (was reeeally cold, and I can't figure out if Im flooding the bike or starving it - my first really cold start)

    So Im going to jump it off my dads diesel in the morning, but I wanted to check that the larger battery (especially off a diesel) would be ok for the little FZR...

    Thanks heaps!
  2. dave

    dave Well-Known Member

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    You would be much better off to charge the battery, because if you stall down the road a bit you won't get it going again. FZR charging system is very ordinary and takes a long time to get the battery up to a reasonable level.

    The answer to your question is YES it's OK.
  3. SOBIL

    SOBIL Active Member

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    provided your olds man diesel aint a truck with a 24 volt system, you'll be right.

    If you are finding that you have to crank you bike too much in the morning i suggest you get it looked at. if you think its flooding overnight then its prolli a good idea to turn the fuel tap off at night(and get you carbies cleaned out).

    Cranking you bike over for any longer than 10 seconds is really not good for the starter motor. Your bike should kick over in under 3-4 seconds even when cold, if not, you should get it looked at, you wont regret it.

    Now do what i say and not what I do.

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