Popping noise when engine braking

Discussion in 'FZR250.com - Archives' started by Mick1, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. Mick1

    Mick1 New Member

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    Has any one had any troble with their FZR making a popping noise (kinda sounds like it's backfiring) when they engine brake?

    My bike is making a popping noise from somewhere in the exhaust when I gear down and the revs drop below 8000-7000 when the engine is under load. (Eg. when I'm going down a hill)

    Any ideas? I took the bike to a mechanic and he had no idea.

    FLETCH New Member

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    I have a feeling that it is normal, Mine does it, it is not heaps loud but I noticed it. My mates Skyline does it when he gets off the gas. so I always thought that it was ok. I have a feeling that it is unburnt fuel ignighting in the exhaust. Talking about backfiring. my bike starts bannging like a two dollar whore when I run out fuel. Before I switch to reserve that is. it cracks me up. <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
  3. Mick1

    Mick1 New Member

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    The strange thing is it just started happening all of a sudden. I've had the bike for 9 months and it only just started happening the other day. It's been fine until then.
  4. koma

    koma New Member

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    If its only just started happening i'd say check the condition of you spark plugs; and give em a good scrub / replace them. Other than that, it might need the carbies cleaned and floats adjusted.

    If too much fuel is flowing through after you back off the throttle then it'll cause the happy 'pop pop bwwwwwaaaarb pop' noise that i and most other poeple get when slowing down in gear. Don't let it bother you, im used to it and almost find it reassuring that my bike is still running (when im riding with ear plugs in).
  5. greeny

    greeny New Member

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    yeah what he said.

    Mine always does it just as i'm about to run out of fuel, it's like my fuel light, i just switch to reserve when i hear it.

    But lately it does it when i'm just riding, i'm pretty sure it's because my bike is running so rich. (in high revs you can actually see the black unburnt fuel coming out of the exhaust)
  6. Mick1

    Mick1 New Member

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    Yeah, the noise I get is a really loud bang. As that the same sort of noise that you guys are getting??

    It only seems to happen when the bike goes above 8000 rpm and then drops below. Could it be exup?? The bikes got new plugs.
  7. koma

    koma New Member

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    Its most likely running rich.
    If you can afford it take it to a shop and get them to do a full carby tune.

    As an example of how rich mine is running, if i back off the throttle hard from above 12k rpm... i can quite easily get a full flow through of fuel into the exhaust. I really do need to get it tuned, but am severely broke atm and STILL cant find the damn master pilot screw on my 3LN. <!-- s:???: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_confused.gif" alt=":???:" title="Confused" /><!-- s:???: -->

    As my mates will attest, following me at night when im riding hard can be quite a colourful experience with the blue, orange and purple exhaust flashes / flames quite visible. During the day their not so visible.

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