Strange noise, exup problems

Discussion in ' - Archives' started by Magua, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Magua

    Magua New Member

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    Sep 13, 2004
    Ok I headed out to a friends house this morning before he was set to leave for Wellington. When I came to leave his house I clicked the killswitch off so I could start my bike and I heard this very odd noise. Killswitch on and off several times and I got the same response. Hrmm odd, I assume it is the exup configuring itself, it doens't usually make such a noise though. On the way home it had all the signs of the exup playing up, as I headed down glenfield rd the bike refused to rev past 6,000rpm in any gear. As I pulled over the bike stalled and refused to start (build up of pressure in the exhaust?).

    image here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... entid=3833</a><!-- m -->

    I have a 2.14mb video but have no where to upload it.
  2. Boz

    Boz New Member

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    Nov 19, 2003
    When you first click the kill switch you should hear a slight whirring from under the seat and this is the exup motor cleaning/calibrating itself. You may also hear your fuel pump (which is quite an obvious sound).

    If your bike won't rev past 6000 and then refuse to start sounds like you did have excess back-pressure. Did it start after about 5 minutes? If so it is likely back-pressure. You may need to adjust your exup valve slightly so that it opens earlier.

    Also - if you cruise below 8000 revs the valve remains fully closed with only a small amount of exhaust able to escape. If you do cruise this way (which is more fuel efficient) then every once and a while pull the clutch in and rev it to 12 000. It may sound like it will stall doing this, but it won't (unless going really slow...). This will just allow the exhaust to escape and put you back 'normal'. (this shouldn't need to be done, but usually means that your carbies are running very slightly rich - not enough to retune but enough to cause minor problems like this).
  3. Magua

    Magua New Member

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    Sep 13, 2004
    Turns out it was my petrol, hehe, or lack of it <!-- s:oops: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarassed" /><!-- s:oops: --> . The bike doesn't seem to be running rich because it sucks through petrol, I'll fuel up tommorow and see how long it takes to reach the reserve.

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