Success.... slipped the Starter out this morning and had a look inside. It was pretty sad to be honest. So I ripped the one off the matching Numbers motor, wriggled it into position (without disturbing the starter gear so no generator cover removal) and bingo... she winds over like a trooper. Spun her up for a bit until I could see oil in the cam bearing caps. I then removed the new loom and I am soaking most of the connections in Cleaning Vinegar to make sure all connections are clean and corrosion free... As it was alread 32 in the shed I have now retreated to the house... rearranging my Office with the cooler running, at least till the Cricket starts lol.
Brochure Pics Mine should get a bit better power than that.. being a 350 with the Factory high lift cams etc... not that it makes a great deal of difference.
Hi Andy Sorry for the slow reply for the pictures of the 350 quad starter motor , it's mounted differently than our SRX's though.
Cheers mate, having pulled the original one apart the 3WP and the 51Y are different inside. I might secure a 3WP one from Japan as the brush plate etc is available for them.
Morning Andy. WOW , and here's me thinking the 3WP and the 51Y are basically the same. The brush set off the 3WP starter motor , will they fit the 51Y brush holder's ?.
No, If you look on Megazip they are completely different. The 3WP starter uses the same brush holder (includes the brushes by the look of it) as the FZR 400.
Andy , is this the part number you need ? 3HE-81840-00 There are some in OZ !. Below is the cheapest price i could find after a quick search. Northstar Yamaha FIND US 34 Flinders Parade, North Lakes, QLD, 4509 Telephone: (07) 3482 3236 Facsimile: (07) 3491 8295 Email:
HI mate, yes that is the one that suits the 3WP starter but not the 51Y starter... it is different I will take some pics of the internals of the 51Y in the next day or so. I only have the 51Y starter and it was very dry inside, brushes almost worn right down and the sleeve bearing on the back end was dry as well. They look to be a cow of a thing to reassemble too.
That is one cool brochure , it look's brand new . Have to admit , i do like the gold ? coloured muffler. Well, I decided that today was going to be the day to start up the SRX... everything was right, new plug, battery booster on so it could handle the number of starts etc... Carb Cleaner can ready as the starter fluid and away she went... started and ran on the brake cleaner and then I noticed thee oil leak... It looks like my repair on the oil feed to the head didnt work. In the video you can see the oil coming out of the connection at the head. Nex step will be engine out to see what can be done. I have the matching number 250 engine I can put in if needed but a little more time to sort this one out and I will see how it goes. 2 steps forward 1 step back.... at least it fired
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I just wanted it to start... the oil leak from my repair on the head kind of stifled any other attempts to makee it run properly... with petrol etc. This thing is fighting me all the way but it wont beat me... a friendly person in the northern climes of NSW is donating a 350 head for me to put all the good stuff into... kind of deja vu really.
Hi Mate. Brilliant to hear it fire up . Re oil leak , that's a bummer , at'least it show's you have excellent oil pressure .
Surgery has begun.... engine is out and on the bench. Waiting patiently for the replacement head to arrive Lots to do on it when it gets here though.