New vid from Fortnine I had a customer who regularly brought his Ducati 900SS in for an "Italian Tune Up" because he was too scared to ride it fast.
Amazing grunt .... funny how he was so amazed at the power in the car Also funny how KTM would only let Bike World ol mate sit on the bike and not ride it
Извиняюсь, если не совсем в теме пишу. Сегодня посмотрел фильм ,снятый в Австралии "Рыжий пёс" . Подскажите, кто знает - что за модель мотоцикла Хонда у героя фильма? I apologize if I'm not quite on topic. Today I watched the movie shot in Australia "Red Dog". Tell me, who knows what kind of model of Honda motorcycle the hero of the film has?
Been watching his videos over the last few days. He goes down some rabbit holes and waffles on a bit, but who doesn't when given the opportunity