Hi James... thanks for that.. It is sort of confirming all my data. I have bolted up my FZR disc and it does run super close to the fork.. too close for my liking. I think the FZR600 (300mm) disc is a bigger offset so that wont be the go. I also found that the FZR250 3LN caliper would bolt up to the top mount but the geometry wasnt right etc. I havent had much of a chance to get back onto that part for the last few weeks... and I have found I really need the Speedo hub to ensure the rim is positioned correctly within the forks... 1 or 2 mm out because of not seating the wheel properly could be a massive difference. Those posts have given me food for thought though
Well the info provided by @James P made me have a look at how I am going about mounting but more impartantly about the disc itself. The FZR250 3LN disc has a 9.5mm offset (I think) and the FZR400RR discs I have are 10mm and with those offsets the disc is within 1mm or less of hitting the fork... It must be ok as the disc for the 3WP is the same part number as TZR125 (320mm 10mm offset) but... it doesnt really work for me with calipers etc. I whipped the FZR disc off and turned it around but the caliper then fouled the rim... so I used some spacers to bring it out about 10mm to emulate a Zero offset Disc and low and behold... the FZR250 caliper lined up....BUT.... I can only get the top bolt in. the angles are just not quite right. Now if I get the zero offset 300mm disc (Ducati Monster one ... right?) then I would still need to make up an adapter bracket similar to the one James made. The other option will be to find the 300mm disc with 5mm offset and get a Brembo with 40mm mount and then it is a much simpler amounting bracket with the caliper using the top mount (hopefully) and a bridged bracket from top to bottom and a spool piece for the bottom caliper mount... as per this pic (courtesy of the linked Diff'rent Strokers forum James linked me to)
Wow... I was going back through this thread for some extra info I had forgotten about... and when I looked at the start date it is about 5.5 years since I started on this little journey... I really should pull my finger out and try to get it finished.... although I do have 2 years up my sleeve to catch up to @maelstrom
Where am I up to on this saga.. SO... I found a pair of 300mm Ducati Zero offset brake rotors on the Bay of Fleas and grabbed them. The price was very good. That made the next decision easy... well mostly. I will be kind of going down the same path that James went down... using a 40mm mount 4 pot Caliper with a simple adapter. This is far and away the simplest way to do it and should look pretty good as long as I can keep it all the same colour so it all blends in I also found my 2 front guards and immediately sold 1 to a guy in Tassie. Matching that up with the other bits I have bought from Zenmarket it has been a good couple of days for the SRX... I will need to bring her home soon.. She is getting a bit lonely at the Storage Shed.
A little more on the SRX today... I stripped the SRX forks so they can be refurbed and painted... There was only a few drops of oil in each fork but maybe the seller (a Wrecker) drained the oild for transport as everything inside had a good coating and it didnt stink at all The seals were as hard as a rock, as expected. Very little sludge in the bottom and came apart really easy. The hard part was cleaning and then stripping all the clearcoat etc off the fork lowers... but all done and primed now. Probably wont get any more done now until Easter as we are off back to Sydney next weekend for my Daughters engagement party... I guess that should take priority over the SRX... just Unless I get ambitious and do a few coats of paint during the week.. but unlikely.
OK, so, I managed to get a few nice coats of paint onto the lowers and let them harden up over the weekend while in Sydney. Reassembled the forks with new seals and then a package arrives from China for me.. There is quite a bit of poetic license in what is actually inside the box... but dimensionally it is pretty much correct. The spelling of Brembo just isnt quite right lol But.... it does make it an easy fit when paired with the 300mm Ducati zero offset disc rotor. I have a 6mm spacer between the fork and the caliper and its centreline is spot on the disc... now to decide on how to do the bracket. Do I make it 12mm thick and reduced down to 6mm where the lugs are on the fork lower or just use 6mm 6060T5 Alloy plate? The lower bolt will have a Nylock nut behind the bracket to secure it either way.
The pads have to sit below the outer perimeter of the disc, just sayin. I would use a 12mm thickness bracket, and tap the lower mount with a fine pitch thread. If you do use a locknut, a Fuji would be better. The forks look great.
Also the real thing is not that expensive. https://www.carpimoto.com/en-AU/42407_20516579-Brembo-P4-30.htm
Top of the pads is just below the outer perimeter of the disc rotor as it is positioned in the picture.. . So 12mm reduced to the 6mm where the Caliper mounts to the top lug and the bracket to the bottom lug. As there is only 6mm in the Alloy for thread I would prefer to use a locking nut. Just trying to keep it as simple as possible as I dont have easy access to a machinist anymore. While the real Brembo isnt overly expensive (still around $300 for RHS delivered to Aus) the "Chinese" version was a grand total of $52.00 so even if it is only used as a template and then sold onto some other poor soul it works for me It is slightly smaller in piston size at 27 & 32mm (Brembo is 30 & 34mm) but much the same. I didnt want to buy a used Brembo (anywhere from $250 to $300 and needing seals at best) and find it didnt work out dimensionally. The one I have will do for now to mock everything up and probably will work quite well... for a while but I will replace it with the real thing. More pics later on showing the spacer etc.
They are not badly priced calipers. I have some Tokico units (suspect off a GSXR750 or similar) on my little race car. They are probably very similar in size. Might be an option as a replacement in the future. What size/part number pads do they take?
A fter doing the fork lowers in the metallic Charcoal I was looking at the Top tripple etc and decided it would look goos all in the same colour... so this weekend I decided to paint all the fiddly bits. Triple tree done in the same colour as the fork lowers and the rims, same with the dash plate, rear brake master cylinder and the front brake line connector. Finally took a pic of the caliper mounted onto the fork showing the setup using a 6mm spacer... lines up pretty much spot on with the centreline of the caliper, the angle of the picture doesn't show it properly ... material has been ordered for the bracket... 12mm x 25mm 300mm (plenty extra for any mistakes) Aluminium 6060-T5. With any luck I might have it for next weekend. Next will be to strip all the paint from the wheel and then set about polishing the lips to match the rear wheel.
I didnt get much done today but did start to assemble the instrument binnacle and thought I would mount it on the top triple just to see haow it would all look in the metallic charcoal...
The prodigal SRX returned home today... and immediately underwent a minor transformation... out with the big cluncky hybrid front end and in with the correct SRX250 3WP front end... I still need to strip the tyre off the FZR rim to mount on the SRX rim (or sell the rim complete with brand new tyre). Turning circle will be far better now and it should be quite a nimble little bike when I eventually get it going...
Latest update... Stripped all the paint off the new SRX250 3WP rim last weekend and searched high and low for my Polishing rouges this morning... couldnt find them so off to Bunnings for some more... Started on it and managed to get half of one side done...then packed it in for the day.. I also had to order a new front tyre as this rim is only a 2.15" wide and takes a 90x80-17 tyre... The FZR250 tyre would have been very, very close to the front guard... so another Pirelli City Angel has been ordered and should arrive during the week. On a good note... I managed to sell the FZR400 disc, FZR600 Forks and the Gold Spot calipers as well as my belt drive compressor. The compressor was too big for what I need now I have sold the Aqua Blaster. I bought a little Oil free silent (well very quiet) compressor with a 30 litre tank.. that will do for all I need. Next thing to sell is the FZR front wheel.. Surplus to my needs now
Finished polishing the outer lips on the front rim... then started masking it up ready for some paint. Manager to get one coat on after warming everything up.. heat gun on the rim and warm water for the paint can... I knew the paint can was almost empty but I thought I had another full can... nope. Off to Bunnings and they had every colour of White Knight paint bar the Dark Charcoal I needed.... grrrrr. Oh well at least there is one coat on it for now.